Veci la danse Barbari
Jacob Obrecht:
Edition:  Jacob Obrecht, New Obrecht Edition, gen.ed. C. J. Maas, 18 vols. (Utrecht: Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 1983-1999), 12: 89-113.

Veni Sancte Spiritus
Egidius (lost).
Mentioned by Franchinus Gaffurius in Tractatus practicabilium proportionum (c.1482). See Clement A. Miller, “Early Gaffuriana: New Answers to Old Questions,” Musical Quarterly, 56 (1970): 367-88, at 379.
Josquin des Prez [?]:
Kyrie   Gloria   Credo   Sanctus   Agnus Dei
Edition:   Laura Youens, Messzyklen der frühprotestantischen Kirche in Leipzig, Münchner Editionen zur Musikgeschichte, 5 (Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1984), 73-111.
The earliest source for this five-part Mass is the Alamire manuscript MunBS 6 which (judging from its repertoire) dates from the 1520s. The Mass is anonymous here, as it is in LeipU 49 (c.1558), and the ascription to Josquin comes only in the much later set of partbooks RosU 49, copied in 1566. This has made it an easy target for Josquin scholarship, which in the New Grove worklist has rejected the Mass on the grounds: “counterpoint and texture untypical.” Without the attribution my guess would have been that this was a setting by Pierre de La Rue. Yet it is important to keep an open mind as to the range of stylistic choices that were open to Josquin in his final years.
I have followed the MunBS 6 readings except where these were clearly and uniquely in error.

Verbum bonum et suave
Jean Mouton:
Kyrie   Gloria   Credo   Sanctus   Agnus Dei
Edition:  Joannes Mouton, Opera omnia, ed. Andreas C. Minor, 4 vols. to date, Corpus mensurabilis musicae, 43 ([Dallas]: American Institute of Musicology, 1967-), 4: 79-130.
The model is the motet Verbum bonum et suave of Pierkin Therache, printed in Petrucci’s Motetti de la corona libro secondo of 1519. Mouton’s parody Mass was printed in Antico’s Missarum authorum liber primus of 1521.

Veterem hominem
Kyrie   Gloria   Credo   Sanctus   Agnus Dei
Edition:  Margaret Bent, ed., Fifteenth-Century Liturgical Music: II. Four Anonymous Masses, Early English Church Music, 22 (London: Stainer and Bell for The British Academy, 1979), 110-63.

Victimae paschali laudes
Antoine Brumel:
Kyrie   Gloria   Credo   Sanctus   Agnus Dei
Edition:  Antonius Brumel, Opera omnia, ed. Barton Hudson, 6 vols., Corpus mensurabilis musicae, 5 (n.p.: American Institute of Musicology, 1969-72), 1: 89-113.

Voltate in qua
Bernardus Ycart (lost).
Mentioned by Franchinus Gaffurius in Tractatus brevis cantus plani (c.1474). See Clement A. Miller, “Early Gaffuriana: New Answers to Old Questions,” Musical Quarterly, 56 (1970): 367-88, at 373 and 387.